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+R PLUSSERISM Author of :
UNITY NOVA Aquarius Age of Matriarchy Unity Consciousness Cosmology.

Respectively :
UNITY refers to the Ninth Unity Consciousness Wave of Mayan Consciousness Evolution Pyramid.
NOVA refers to Nova types of eruptive Solar Cycles.
UNITY NOVA cosmology serves a new prescience of Aquarius Age of Matriarchy of Ascension. Shifting humanoid vibratory perception to an expansive multidimensional frequency of alignments via altering DNA codes reconnected. In spiritual preparation of Ascension process according to the near future Solar Micro Nova eruption event.

UNITY NOVA studies R guided by Source Cosmic Science Mayans. Providing new expanded insight of Mayan Unity Nova Age cycle.

UNITY NOVA Cosmic devices :

UNITY TZOLKIN +R new Tzolkin Calendar count uniting binary existing Tzolkin Calendars, delivering trinity shift count, expanding of 2 octaves. Aligned with Planet Earth’s entered era of high frequency.

MAYAN COSMOASTROLOGY +R designed by integrating UNITY TZOLKIN with Solar + Lunar Calendar. Extracting individual DNA composition of 9 Mayan Archetypes operating within Higher Self potential of cosmic imprint. Offering one of the most instant paths to DNA altering. Aligning individual within its Higher Self Mission so as its cosmic origins. Enables multidimensional reconnecting to the cosmic electromagnetic network via activating electromagnetic body called Mer-Ka-Ba which is Heart-Core of Ascension.

UNITY BRAIN SYNCHRONISATION method is Ancient Mayan technique essential for full energetic potential activation. It operates on activated electromagnetic body, aligning brain chakras within heart-core.

MAYAN COSMIC ORACLE +R Cards R multi task spiritual device, already operating within UNITY NOVA Aquarius Age of Matriarchy consciousness. Having added 2 shift octaves archetypes of Aquarius Age of Matriarchy + Ascension, to existing 20 Mayan archetypes.
COSMIC ORACLE cards unite precisely matched 22 archetypes of Intergalactic Storms navigated upon Earth’s Oceans within their Cosmic Counterparts starring Supernova Nebulas, Galaxy Clusters, Galaxies, Pulsars, etc through out cosmic Virgo Supercluster.  
Designed by process of artistic binuralisation then unification of satellite imaginary of given phenomenon, within Astro Super Since Art +R research project.

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